Motor Theft & Fire
A motor theft service that is applied to claims for stolen vehicles unrecovered or motor theft recovered with loss or damage. We can investigate any type of vehicle or equipment loss through desktop or field-based techniques which quickly establish the facts and allow insurers to reserve a claim accurately, no matter where in the world that may be.
Desktop techniques
ExamWorks Investigation Services desktop screening services include cognitive interviewing which delivers fast evidence and determines areas for further investigation. The methodology is able to validate honesty whilst simultaneously risk and deception. Through this established method, we establish the facts accurately and provide recommendations for further relevant investigations.
ExamWorks Investigation Services can also conduct an extensive forensic key examination. Through combining physical examination of keys, technical research and diagnostic examination, analysts are able to confidently assess risk and provide invaluable evidence in the event of false keys being submitted in support of individual motor theft claims.
Field techniques
An experienced team of employed inspectors provide clear and detailed evidence by gathering statements and interviews from policyholders, drivers and witnesses. A fully CPR-compliant statement is produced, detailing the loss circumstances, indemnity and a full chronological account of the stolen item’s purchase and use.